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Meet the showpiece of Woodwick, the Hearthwick candle in elliptical form. This unique candle not only leaves a delicious Woodwick scent behind this candle also has a flame that is reminiscent of a fire. Also try the Woodwick Baby Powder candle for a wonderfully relaxing scent of vanilla and flowers.
These unique patented candles have a special wooden wick that creates an atmospheric stable wide flame. Thanks to the specially designed wick you also hear the Crackling sound that comes with a fire. The candle itself is made from soy wax so that the candle has a long burning time and you can enjoy the fragrance for an extra long time.
In order to ensure that you enjoy this candle as much as possible, we recommend the following. Always make sure that the top layer of the candle is melted before you extinguish the candle. In addition, do not leave the candle burning for more than 4 hours. This ensures that the candle burns optimally for as long as possible. Do you want to enjoy a certain smell? Then choose thelarge Woodwick candles, these candles have the longest burn time.
Would you rather try a smaller model first to test the smell? Then theWoodwick petit candles areideal, these little candles are inexpensive but burn for up to 8 hours. These small candles also have a wooden wick so that you can get acquainted with Woodwick.